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Practical Statistics for Data Scientists

Books Sold by BooksandDeal Company: A Detailed Analysis

Booksanddeal company offers a wide collection of high quality books on various subjects for book lovers. Here we will discuss about some important and popular books that can be purchased through this company.

1. Applied Statistics for Data Scientists

This book is extremely useful for individuals interested in data science. It includes a detailed description of the Practical Statistics For Data Scientists and their real-life applications. The book covers the following

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists


Data Analysis and Visualization

hypothesis testing and estimation

Regression and Clustering

Machine Learning and Data Mining

This book gives you a strong foundation in the field of data science and develops the skills needed to work on real-world data sets.

2. Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow

This book presents the principles of Hands on Machine Learning and Deep Learning in a simple and practical way. This book covers the following major topics:

Fundamentals of Machine Learning

Building Machine Learning Models Using Scikit-Learn

Building deep learning models using Keras and Tensorflow

Advanced techniques such as transfer learning and reinforcement learning

This book is extremely useful for those who want to try their hand in the field of machine learning and work on practical applications.

3. Elements of Statistical Learning

This book is considered a classic in the field of data science and machine learning. It has been appreciated by leading academicians and researchers across the world. The Elements Of Statistical Learning Hardcover provides detailed information on the following topics:

The Elements of Statistical Learning Hardcover
The Elements of Statistical Learning Hardcover

supervised learning

unsupervised learning

Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines

Boosting and Bugging

The hardcover edition of this book is an invaluable resource for those who are interested in deeper and more theoretical aspects of data science.

4. Building construction illustrated

This book is considered a standard reference in the field of architecture and construction. It contains detailed descriptions of various processes and techniques of building construction. Building Construction Illustrated Paperback covers the following major topics:

Building materials and their characteristics

Manufacturing Processes and Technologies

Structural Design and Building Elements

Environmental and sustainable construction practices

This book is extremely useful for students, professionals and all those working in the construction sector. In its paperback version it is easy to carry and read anywhere.


These books available through BooksandDeal company are unique in their respective fields and provide high quality content to the readers. By purchasing these books readers can take their knowledge and skills to a new height. Whether you are interested in data science, machine learning, statistics or building construction, these books will prove extremely useful to you.

BooksandDeals Company is committed to providing the best service and products to its customers. To buy these books online, you can visit their website and order your favorite book. Make sure you take advantage of these amazing books to broaden your horizons of knowledge.

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